Tuesday, March 10, 2009

C'est une affiche! Tuna fish!

I saw this poster in a ReadyMade issue I bought a long time ago. I am in love. It's precious. 

I want it.

Book club.

One would think that with all of this time on my hands I would've gotten some of my long overdue reading done. Nope. It's slow-coming. And I have ADD when it comes to reading, so I have to start 3-5 books at once to be satisfied.

Here are the three I've managed to start:

Taylor got me the Sookie Stackhouse novel set by Charlaine Harris for Christmas. We became addicted to the HBO series True Blood, so I was really excited. Alan Ball (Six Feet Under) created it, so I knew it would be amazing. The show follows the books almost to the word. I feel like I'm in 5th grade reading these books, but I can't help it!

I am a big fan of Dostoevsky these days, thanks to a recommendation from a friend a few years ago. I am a big fan of the short story as well. I thought this could be a perfect pairing, and I like his stories so far, but I think I enjoy the other works I've read of his a bit more...

Before my friend Ryan left for his semester in London this spring, we made a little book trade. He would read one of my favorite novels and I would read one of his. He got The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky and I got the first two installments of Stephen King's Dark Tower series. I finished The Gunslinger a month or two ago, and now I'm on the second book. This is the one that is supposed to get me hooked, but I'm a little skeptical at this point.

Not pictured: The stack of 6 or 7 books I have yet to open...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Melt my heart.

So. I just have to get this post out of my system. As lame as it may be. I've been thinking about what [romantic sort of] movies really get me, about the movies that make it to the top of my list, and I've finally narrowed it down I think. 

Whenever I get a little frustrated with my love life (or lack thereof... despite my wonderful boyfriend) these movies cheer me up like nothing else. And yes, some are quite cliche, and of course, ridiculously cheesy, but I really can't help but love them.

1. Pride and Prejudice (2005 version)

This movie kills me at times. And the book is even better. Oh, Mr. Darcy.

2. Garden State

This movie will always mean a lot to me. I just love it. And it was released on my birthday.

3. Love Actually

This really is the ultimate romantic comedy. It doesn't leave my DVD player from Thanksgiving through New Year's. Enough said.

4. Valley Girl

This movie is, like, totally underrated.

5. The Notebook

As embarrassing as it is, my top five list really isn't complete without this movie. Waterworks every damn time.

Here we go.

So I always thought that blogs were sort of a narcissistic kind of endeavor... as in, who really cares all that much about what I have to say?

But now that I have absolutely nothing to do with my days (aside from the never-ending job search), have been out of school for almost three months, and have watched every movie and TV show available from HBO On Demand at least once... 

I guess I'll try it and see where it goes.

This blog is called Cupcakes and Unicorns, and is meant to showcase all things that make me happy.