Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Book club.

One would think that with all of this time on my hands I would've gotten some of my long overdue reading done. Nope. It's slow-coming. And I have ADD when it comes to reading, so I have to start 3-5 books at once to be satisfied.

Here are the three I've managed to start:

Taylor got me the Sookie Stackhouse novel set by Charlaine Harris for Christmas. We became addicted to the HBO series True Blood, so I was really excited. Alan Ball (Six Feet Under) created it, so I knew it would be amazing. The show follows the books almost to the word. I feel like I'm in 5th grade reading these books, but I can't help it!

I am a big fan of Dostoevsky these days, thanks to a recommendation from a friend a few years ago. I am a big fan of the short story as well. I thought this could be a perfect pairing, and I like his stories so far, but I think I enjoy the other works I've read of his a bit more...

Before my friend Ryan left for his semester in London this spring, we made a little book trade. He would read one of my favorite novels and I would read one of his. He got The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky and I got the first two installments of Stephen King's Dark Tower series. I finished The Gunslinger a month or two ago, and now I'm on the second book. This is the one that is supposed to get me hooked, but I'm a little skeptical at this point.

Not pictured: The stack of 6 or 7 books I have yet to open...